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(Broadsheet Newspaper)
Click on the images to see the journal (Flipbook)

Designing a journal is like a black box. The Black Box, the dance floor of Desterro.
A room of Desterro like a game of possibilities in collaboration with the edges of the infinite or the infinite itself if we consider the imagination and will, in doses equitably distributed, to infinity.
An object of paper, of pre-defined dimensions, where the possibilities of play and counterplay are immeasurable.
An exercise for two in which one artist invites another to design their intent, collectively. An object of front cover, back cover and core. Space to imagine, text and sound. Not to believe that a journal could have sound is to not believe in the potential of Desterro as a transforming and subversive place, And, by extension, your journal.
Concept & Design by Filipe Matos
Text by João Castro

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Event 9:11am

9/11 - 20th Anniversary Commemoration
2021 - Desterro

9:11am book presentation and exhibition with Suc-cess, Fernando Ribeiro, Margarida Dias Coelho and João Fonte Santa.

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